1. A |  | 76. able-bodied seaman |
2. A class division |  | 77. abnormal |
3. A sweep |  | 78. abnormal refraction |
4. A turret's |  | 79. abnormal tide |
5. A'dam |  | 80. abnormal tow |
6. a-arcs |  | 81. aboard |
7. A-bomb |  | 82. abourdage |
8. A-bracket |  | 83. about |
9. a-cock-bill |  | 84. about ship! |
10. A-frame |  | 85. above board |
11. a-port |  | 86. above deck |
12. a-starboard |  | 87. above deck girder |
13. A-sub |  | 88. above sea level |
14. A-waste |  | 89. above water body |
15. a-weather |  | 90. above water hull |
16. a.b. |  | 91. above water lateral plane |
17. A.B., a.b. |  | 92. above water torpedo tube |
18. A.B.C. Tables |  | 93. abox |
19. a.c. generator |  | 94. ABP |
20. a.c. motor |  | 95. abrasion |
21. A.C., a.c., a-c |  | 96. abrasion platform |
22. A.C.-D.C. receiver |  | 97. Abrasion resistance |
23. A.C.M.R.R. |  | 98. Abrasive |
24. a.e. |  | 99. Abrasive blasting |
25. a.f. |  | 100. abrasive cloth |
26. A.F.C., a.f.c |  | 101. abrasive paper |
27. A.G.C., a.g.c. |  | 102. abrasive shot |
28. a.h. |  | 103. abrasive stick (brick) |
29. A.H. rge |  | 104. abreast |
30. A.M., a.m. |  | 105. abridged |
31. A.P.L. |  | 106. abroad |
32. A.R., A/R |  | 107. abrupt |
33. A.R., A/R, a/r |  | 108. ABS |
34. A.R.P. |  | 109. absence |
35. A.S.D.I.C. |  | 110. absence flag |
36. A.T. |  | 111. absolute contraband |
37. A.T., A.t. |  | 112. absolute humidity |
38. a.t.s.b.e. |  | 113. absolute pressure |
39. a.w.t.s. |  | 114. absolute submarine war |
40. a/c |  | 115. absolute temperature |
41. A/M |  | 116. absolute viscosity |
42. a/o |  | 117. absorb |
43. A/S |  | 118. absorbency index |
44. A/S, A/S., a/s, a/s. |  | 119. absorber |
45. a/side |  | 120. absorption refrigerating plant |
46. aa |  | 121. absorption unit |
47. AA, aa |  | 122. absorption wavemeter |
48. aaaa |  | 123. abt |
49. AABW |  | 124. aburton |
50. AACP |  | 125. abutment |
51. AAIW |  | 126. abutment pier |
52. AAM |  | 127. abutment stone |
53. aback |  | 128. abutment wall |
54. abaft |  | 129. ABW |
55. abaft the beam |  | 130. abysmal |
56. abalone |  | 131. abyss |
57. abandon ship |  | 132. abyssal |
58. abandon ship bill |  | 133. abyssal deposit |
59. abandon ship station |  | 134. abyssal gap |
60. abandon ship! |  | 135. abyssal hill |
61. abandoned race |  | 136. abyssal plain |
62. abandonment |  | 137. abyssal zone |
63. abandonment clause |  | 138. AC |
64. abandonment of the voyage |  | 139. acalephae |
65. abate |  | 140. acc. |
66. abatement |  | 141. acc. cop. |
67. abatement of false lights |  | 142. acc.hrs |
68. abdnt |  | 143. accelerated filtration |
69. abeam |  | 144. acceleration |
70. abeam sea |  | 145. acceleration of moon |
71. aberration |  | 146. acceleration of wind |
72. ability |  | 147. accelerator |
73. ablation |  | 148. accelerometer |
74. able seaman |  | 149. acceptable |
75. able to sea |  | 150. acceptable reliability level |