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  Maritime Encyclopaedia
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v  va  vb  vc  vd  ve  vf  vg  vh  vi  vl  vm  vo  vr  vs  vt  vu  
vec  ved  vee  veg  veh  vel  ven  ver  ves  

1-87 z 87 words started from: "ve"
1. vector45. vertical centre of buoyancy
2. vedette (boat)46. vertical circle
3. veer47. vertical clearance
4. veer aft48. vertical danger angle
5. veer and haul49. vertical datum plane at the midship section
6. veer away50. vertical force instrument
7. vegetable fibre51. vertical line
8. vegoil52. vertical plate freezer
9. vehicle cargo ship53. vertical prismatic coefficient
10. vehicle carrier54. vertical stabilizer
11. vehicle deck55. vertical take-off/landing
12. velocity56. vertical wall breakwater
13. velocity of encounter57. vertically sliding bulkhead door
14. velocity of translation58. vertically sliding watertight door
15. velocity triangle59. vertrep
16. vendace60. very close drift-ice
17. vendavales61. very close pack
18. vent62. very good visibility
19. vent cock63. very high frequency
20. vent hole64. very high sea
21. vent line65. Very large crude carrier (VLCC)
22. vent pipe66. Very large crude carrier FRONT CENTURY
23. ventilated insulation67. very large crude oil carrier
24. ventilated propeller68. very open pack-ice
25. ventilating fan69. very quick flashing
26. ventilating trunk70. very rough sea
27. ventilating well71. Very Signal
28. ventilation72. Very's lights
29. ventilation duet73. Very's pistol
30. ventilation system74. vessel
31. ventilator75. vessel "with freeboard"
32. ventilator coaming76. vessel crossing
33. ventilator cover77. vessel fishing
34. ventilator turning gear78. vessel inward
35. venting system79. vessel leaying
36. Venus80. vessel monitoring system
37. verge ring81. vessel outward
38. verification of flag82. vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre
39. vernal equinox83. vessel sues six feet
40. vernier84. vessel traffic management
41. vertex85. vessel traffic system
42. vertical86. vessel turning
43. vertical axis propeller87. vessel types
44. vertical boiler

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