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  Maritime Encyclopaedia
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r  r(  r+  ra  rc  rd  re  rf  rg  rh  ri  rm  rn  ro  rp  rr  rs  rt  ru  rv  ry  
rea  reb  rec  red  ree  ref  reg  rei  rej  rek  rel  rem  ren  rep  req  rer  res  ret  rev  rey  

1-150 z 496 words started from: "re"
1. re-charter76. recompute
2. re-chartering clause77. recon
3. Re-exports78. recondition
4. re-let79. reconnaissance ship
5. re-stow80. record
6. reach81. Record book of engine parameters
7. reaching82. recorder
8. reactance83. recording drum
9. reaction injection molding84. recording instrument
10. reactive propeller85. recording level-gauge
11. reactor86. recourse
12. read (y)87. recourse claim
13. read-out88. recover
14. read-write head89. recreation room
15. reader90. recruit stock
16. reading91. rectifier
17. ready about!92. rectilinear stream
18. ready for running93. recurvature
19. ready for sea94. red algae
20. real pitch95. red bream
21. real slip96. red cedar
22. real slip speed97. red coral
23. real speed98. red duster
24. real wind99. red ensign
25. real-time100. red hake
26. real-time computer101. red herring
27. realization102. red lead
28. ream103. red magnetism
29. reamer104. red mullet
30. reaming beetle105. red oak
31. reaming iron106. red pendant turn
32. rear107. red perch
33. Rear Admiral108. red pole
34. rear bacon109. red salmon
35. rear commodore110. red sea bream
36. rear light111. Red Sea Water
37. rear ship112. red-lead gun
38. rebait113. redbarsch
39. rebaiting114. redelivery clause
40. rebate115. redesign
41. rebate circular116. redfish
42. rebate system117. redfishe(s)
43. reboring118. redriving of piles
44. rebushing119. reduce
45. recall120. reduced crude
46. recapture121. reduced latitude
47. receipt122. reducer
48. received for shipmen bill of lading123. reducing valve
49. receiver124. reduction
50. receiver compass125. reduction gear
51. receiver noise126. reduction gearing
52. receiver of wrecks127. reduction of latitude
53. receiving antenna128. reduction of soundings
54. receiving bunker129. reduction to the meridian
55. receiving forwarder130. redundancy
56. receiving inspection131. redwood viscosity
57. receiving note132. reed horn
58. receiving ship133. reed relay
59. receiving station134. reef
60. receptacle135. reef band
61. recess136. reef cringle
62. recipient137. reef drag seine
63. reciprocal bearing138. reef earing
64. reciprocal course139. reef hook
65. reciprocating engine140. reef island
66. reciprocating pump141. reef knot
67. recirculation142. reef line
68. reckoning143. reef pendant
69. reclaim144. reef point
70. recognition signal145. reef tackle
71. recoil mechanism146. reefer
72. recommendation147. Reefer box
73. recommended charter-party form148. reefer clause
74. recommended track149. reefer container
75. recompression chamber150. reefer stores

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