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Modified PSV design

Ship & Offshore, 2012-07-17

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Drawing of the type IMT 982 platform supply vessel
The UK division of Offshore Ship Designers Group, OSD-IMT, recently announced a contract to supply the design for a modified version of its type IMT 982 platform supply vessel (PSV) to be built at the shipyard facility of Honghua Offshore Oil & Gas Equipment in Jiangsu, China.

The 83.2-m long PSV with a deck area of 900m² has a deadweight of 4,000 tonnes at 6m draught. It can carry 1330m³ of fuel oil, 800m³ of potable fresh water, 980m³ of liquid mud/brine, 1350m³ of drill water/water ballast, 265m³ of dry bulk and 170m³ of base oil. A diesel electric propulsion system is fitted comprising four main diesel generators, two 1900 kW frequency controlled electric motor-driven azimuth thrusters for main propulsion and two 800 kW frequency controlled electric motor driven tunnel thrusters. Equipped with a DP 2 system, the PSV has a trial speed of 14 knots, according to OSD-IMT. It offers accommodation facilities for 28 persons.
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